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When in business, there are steps that you need to take on your journey up. These steps come with necessary changes that present challenges. To go past the challenging need to master business agility to change your internal and external business environment, but at the same time maintain momentum and vision. To learn these techniques, you need to consult with Agile Consulting and Coaching companies. At Support Corporate, we offer Agile advisory services designed to provide you with bespoke advisory and delivery services.

What are the principles we follow?

Some of the principles we follow at Support Corporate are:

  • Help to ensure end-user satisfaction
  • To enhance and speed-up the ROIs

Our agile advisory services focus on various domains in your company, including project management, software development, and service environments. You will also get to know how to implement agile processes such as XP and SCRUM. Some of the services we offer include:

Agile program management

Support Corporate provides end to end program management support for businesses and organizations that engage in agile. The management services focus on templates and process guidelines, defining team compositions and also helping the in process improvement techniques.

Agile consulting services

Agile consulting services help you to identify and evaluate your business objectives, process gaps and segues the best agile methodology for your business. We also weight consulting services across relevant parameters to incorporate agile principles suitable for your business.

SCRUM implementation

Our SCRUM implementation process includes overlooking the entire implementation process and offering tailored advice along the way.

XP implementation

XP implementation services help clients to develop metaphors, risk management, and other projects to ensure adherence to XP projects. Our clients have access to:

  • Agile process reviews and adherence checks
  • Provide independent audit for agile performance.
  • Help solve your most difficult challenges and offer you industry leading experience.

Agile Pilot Selection Services

Agile Pilot Selection Services enable clients to decide the best team and projects for initial agile implementation. Companies can choose the team, skills and experience levels, attitudes and support or resistance depending on the nature and complexity of the projects. Some of the areas we focus on with the agile services include:

  • Agile Transformation
  • Agile Scaling
  • Agile Assessment and Roadmap.

The goals of Support Corporate is come up with an agile program management plan, coaching and consulting services that best-fit your company agile process. We make sure to provide an end to end implementation support in areas that interest you most in your company

Arvind Enterprise Group is conglomerate and the group of holding company works in foods,transport,education,medical industry . real estate, construction, consultancy, business ,capitals,e-commerce ,energy,automobiles technologies,finance,artificial Intelligence and many other sectors|
