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How to Sell Value vs. Price entreprenuer line /brian tracy

Brian brought so much value to this world, it's incredible.
Jason Jarvis
Great info Brian. I work in a grocery store, my job is to sell fish to consumers. The main objective I come across is the price of the fish that I have on display. I have implemented your tip in showing the value of the fish, and emphasize the quality and freshness that separates my fish to our competitors in other grocery stores across town. This single tip has increased my overall sales, and has also helped my coworkers who have struggled to make sales in my department. Thanks again, for all you do!
manjit deshmukh
Tactic I use for showing value is : 1. take them to near future, where they are using our product and seeing real results 2. while demo showing how our previous client is benefitting out of it. 3. Asking questions whose answers would be yes only(my favourite)
pawnesh kumar
i use what brian tracy taught me. i paint pictures of them using their products and enjoying benefits.Making it vivid in their minds makes the offer compelling to them. i also use metaphors to show price comparisions...e.g. for a price less than a coca cola bottle per day or a cup of cofee,you can invest in your child s health and see them more active, growing better and developing strong immunity in the years to come and also may reduce uncomfort of recurrent medical visits and expenses. wont it be great??
Business Booster Inspiration
Brian Tracy's book "The psychology of selling"is a must have book!
Ethan Chew
Good thoughts. An additional item on your point on developing a customer avatar and their needs is to have deep customer knowledge; see it from their eyes and understand their use case. This helps make a detailed and accurate avatar and needs profile.
melissa horbal
I aim to emphasize how using my service will simplify things for my client and save them valuable time. I also explain how my service does not come with a high mark up when others will charge more for the same product. Finally I listen to my clients and remember what they say. For example at a later date I will repeat something they mentioned was important to them or text them if an important event happens for them. This personal touch illustrates my value and commitment to my clients.
Shawn Casemore
"People don't buy products, they buy the results they give them." Great insights Brian!
Jarod Billingslea
NOTES: - Quote: "Customers buy or value your service because they anticipate [and] enjoy a value that they would not have in the absence of your product or services. People don't buy products; they buy the results that product will give them." — Brian Tracy - Focus on explaining how your offer works for the customer by expressing how your offer will benefit them and is valuable to them. If you focus on why it's valuable, the price will be less and less important. And if you don't do this, the only thing you can talk about is the price. Make the offer valuable, not pricey. - Value is perceived based on how beneficial your offer is to the customer. The more beneficial an offer is, the more valuable it is. And this is how you will be able to control how much value you're giving a customer. - Show your customer how much they will benefit from your offer if they make you their choice, and you will start to sell and build value. Remember: the more you focus on the value, the less important the price becomes.
Gary Foss
Mr. Tracy . thanks for the awesome advice. I am 47, and just starting changing careers into sales . I am really excited about this. Thanks for the tips. I love the value vs price. brilliant.
Julieta Aragon
long live Brian Tracy :)
Many thanks Brian, less than 5 minutes video showed me more than several training courses. Congrats!
Crypto Fox
Funny how Brian's videos and audio trainings I've bought and learned from still hold true even in today's different sales methods. Tried and True!
Joey Silayan
thank you Mr Tracy! something that helps me is "empathy" with a client.
Sales Leader Forums
Loved this thanks Brian - people don't buy products, they buy the value of the outcome.
M I A • R O S E a.k.a thekryptikrose
Brian, you're the best sales and business teacher ever! Thank youuuu
JS Wong
Brian, your videos are extremely excellent and helpful particularly for people such as myself who have just transitioned from a technical role to a sales role! Your delivery is articulate and eloquent. Thanks so much for these videos! Have you written any books?
I'm reading your book "Change your thinking change your life", probably the best 7$ I've spend in my life so far.  That's value for sure.
A Masood
I didn't know I was setting up my first business plan correctly. before watching this I had confusions and fear in my mind and was thinking to think something new. Once you said study successful people and you would be successful. Thanks for sharing your years of experience.
Phalkun Mey
I do it a lot just like you teach! The result is fantastic! I look forward to make more sales simply explaining my prospects how benefits they will get, and get a YES on the deal from them first, before letting them compare the price. Yet, YES, YES, YES, is already close price. :)
Denick Carullo
Brian Tracy is the Living Legend of Motivational Speakers. He is 76 now. I discovered his books in the Philippines in the late 1980s. I wish he lives to be 100 so that he can touch more lives and inspire more people. May GOD bless you always Sir Brian.
Jon White
Good job as always Brian..... Really the only things a customer cares about are the benefits, results, and solutions for them nor do people like to feel like they are being sold a product or service.... Many sales people NEED to learn how to actually listen to and understand their customers wants and needs as well as seem like they are pushing for a sale just to make a sale... If a person gets an objection over price then the sales person has not done a very good job informing about the benefits, results, and solutions regarding their product or service... Yes you do want to compare other similar products and services to yours although you do not want to bash the competitive products or services although you DO want to let people know what makes your products or services better for your customer's needs / wants.
WageN 808
i'm veeeeeryyy glad and thankful that i found the most valuable teacher .... his words like magic .. <3
Thank you Mr Tracy! Very clear and you actually added value! 😂
Arun K Rath
Thanks Brian for such great inputs. What if my perfect customers live in a particular demographic where the value and the price have equal importance or sometimes the price wins the battle. How do I handle it considering my cost price difference is marginal. Thanks.
Find Life
The Power in Value over Price Hello Brian, those are good ideas about selling on value and not on price, I also like the great use of environment you used to present the video, I have seen other people speak about value verses price however the place they recorded their video did not reflect the messages they were giving. Excellent Presentation Apart of value I can see is presentation which shows you give excellent value. I have learned a lot just looking at the value of your presentation, I can see why you are one of the great names in personal development. Powerful Introduction I love your choice of music and the introduction video, many of the people who I have seen present on value verses price, have not bothered to look carefully at these important areas. Indeed the experience that you have give in the professional way your presentation is constructed shows why an investment in your services would be money well spent. Attention to Detail Your attention to detail in the making of this presentation, does show clearly why the advise you give is clearly congregant with how you are delivering it. You are the person who can be trusted to deliver good advice because the message you give is in line with how you deliver the message. I have learned many great lessons from your presentation today, on a multitude of different levels. To become the best you have to learn from the best. You are the best. Edwin C Barnes Like Edwin C Barnes in the book Laws of Success, can also see a Thomas Edison in you, and like Barnes I might me tempted to travel Blind Baggage to work with someone who delivers great value to his clients. You Don't Know What you Don't Know In concluding I acknowledge that there is a wealth of knowledge and learning to just put in practice the ability to give real value to clients as you have described in this presentation. And look forward to learning as a student at the foot of a great master. Indeed the greatest people were apprentice at the foot of their masters.
Dmitry Shtefan
Dear Mr. Tracy, thank you for you efforts to help people to be successful. Every video you produce is so much filled with valuable information. :)
Zoltán Csonka
Love Bryan😘Thank you for teaching us.
Amit Tiwari
you sound so pleasent, and its seems you are telling true from deep of your heart
Dr. Haripal Duseja
Thank you Brian Tracy. Sir,You are inspiration for us.I eagerly wait for your new book. I always make search everywhere. Books like Maximum Achievement Goals,East that Frog changed my life.We love you.You are the Best.
Marko Koncina
That's such a good and important message you can skip 4 years of colege! Thank you Brian! You rock!
RedBelle Mage
Great video thank you. As one who is trying to adapt my handmade crafts business for a more high end clientele I need more videos like this. How do I advertise being Im essentially a newbie? How do I make my product shine
Lauren Rose
I really like how simple this is put! Super valuable!!
Thanks Brian, you have given me a lot to think about. Unfortunately I do not have any experience that I can share as advice at the moment.
Felicitas Reyes
Bryan, thank you for this sharing. Also providing after- sales service is valuable. Like me in the insurance industry I explain again the value of the plan when I deliver the policy contract.
Damian Mathew
So obvious, still good to hear it in such clear words, thanks a lot! Made me more confidant
kabir badaloo
Love this video as simple as it is showing the value awesome thanks 👍🏻
Ahmad Jamal Mansour
hi sir, i'm appreciating your effort and sharing your experience with others through this useful channel . the purchasing drivers for all consumers allover the world are two main factors which are quality (value) and price . so number one we have to understand the consumer and customer segmentation to realize easily with whom I have to concentrate more . and end of the day there is a magical statement " features are telling and benefits are selling "
Hesham Fathi
Great tips, I already focus on the problems I solve for my clients instead of the technologies or method of how I do it, and I can easily see the differences of both ways even in the red ocean markets I have been through.
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